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Running Streak?

On January 1, 2013, a friend and colleague of mine started a running streak. She has maintained her streak, running at least one mile a day every day since then. Ever since I found out about her streak, I have been intrigued by this idea. I have read about running streaks before, but this is the first time I have seriously considered committing to a long-term streak. 

I know that my inspiration for this comes partly from my impending 50th birthday, which I've written about here before. I really love the idea of having a fitness goal tied to that upcoming date, and this feels like it might just fit the bill. It feels both daunting and, just maybe, doable. 

I had a miniature running streak back in 2009, when I ran every day in January. It started out as a part of my church's 21-day Daniel Fast, but when I got to day 21, I decided to complete the month. I remember being pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed that streak. I was accustomed to the idea of having rest days in my training regimen, so the idea of running every day was intimidating. I also remember feeling like I was cheating a few times, when I only ran a mile. In retrospect, that seems like a silly notion. Now I see that any day I manage to move for ten consecutive minutes is a good day.

So I am contemplating the following commitment: run every day between June 1, 2013 and my 50th birthday, February 28, 2014. 

One of the most daunting aspects of this plan is the fact that for the past 10 years, as soon as school starts, I fall off the running wagon. Sometimes I've managed to keep moving through September, but October-February have been almost entirely sedentary months. Every year, as fall comes around, I think about how this will be the year I'll keep running, and every year I have failed. Still, I can't help but wonder if a running streak might be just what I need to keep myself moving in those months. 

I have a few more days to think about this, and I would welcome any input from my running and non-running friends. 


  1. Ok, this is a repeat of what I shared on your FB post...
    From your non-running cousin. I say go for it, but I qualify it with my own experience in goal setting. For too many years, when I couldn't complete a goal, whether for health issues or other unplanned interruptions, I beat myself up for not being successful. I carried it with me... failed again. Now I set goals, and press toward them, but I attempt do it with joy and pride in what I did accomplish. Also, I completely believe you can accomplish your goal! And, if it brings you joy, then I say Streak!


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